Job Seeker Resources

Career Profiling Tools

Here is a selection of links to tools which can help candidates get a steer on which type of market sector, professional skillset, management approach or inter-personal style could be most suitable for their natural personality traits. Tools like these are simply a guide – everyone is unique and there is no career path that should not be considered purely on the strength of profiling tool results, however they can serve as a useful guide.

Tips for creating a great written resume

  1. Use a template – there are many different resume templates available, make sure you use one that is clean and clear, and not over-elaborate.
  2. Stand out – demonstrate your key measurable successes and make sure you also reference your inter-personal skills.
  3. Relate your skills to the job you are applying for – it is OK to tailor your resume for a specific application that has a greater emphasis on certain skillsets.
  4. Keep it simple – don’t use an extravagant font, layout, or colour scheme – make sure you skills and experience are the main things that shine rather than your resume design skills.
  5. Update regularly – add new skills, achievements and successes as you gain them, and remove older content as when it becomes less relevant.
  6. Review it – make sure there are no spelling errors, conflicting dates, badly written text or anything else that could result in a potential employer dismissing your application before properly considering it.
  7. Keep it concise – the receiver will not want to read several pages of every resume they receive. One-page resumes are common now, even for highly experienced candidates.

Tips for creating a great video Resume

  1. Create a script – like any well-produced video, having a well-prepared script to begin with is essential.
  2. Ensure to keep it short – your video resume is your own digital marketing tool, and it is well established that successful video marketing is strongly related to conciseness and creating an impact within the early stages of viewing.
  3. Make it relevant – as per the previous point, your video needs to be short so make sure the most relevant and salient points of your career to date are highlighted.
  4. Be creative, think outside the box – for example, the setting does not have to be an office, or you can use two camera angles if you are experienced in video production.
  5. Remain professional – a video resume shouldn’t be like a video blog, when making it imagine you are in an actual interview with potential employers in front of you, and apply the same level of professionalism as you would in the real situation.
  6. Do your best to ensure high quality for voice clarity and volume, and review and redo (if necessary) your video resume until you are confident in the quality.
  7. Ask your friends or family to critique it prior to sending it – second opinions of video resume’s are usually helpful and can spot things you might have missed.

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